MLA College Superyacht Crew Case Studies
One of a series of case studies of superyacht crew currently enrolled on the MSc and BSc Sustainable Maritime Operations (SMO) courses, how do they approach the tricky dilemma of balancing a very demanding working life, whilst studying a degree level course and what was their motivation to enrol on the program?
Archie: Chief Officer. I started the BSc SMO in January this year, for me the distance learning format could not be better, I love the idea of being able to work remotely, and in this new post COVID 19 world that we are living in I expect it will become the new norm. But the freedom of movement that being able to complete this degree from wherever work takes me is a huge draw factor. In terms of balancing my workloads, I am not too concerned. I have become well practised at utilising my valuable free time, I have spent the last 5 years working on dual season charter motor yachts in high pressure environments, this has definitely shaped how I operate in not just my professional life but also my personal life.
I am a tasked based individual. I thrive under a common goal, and revel in team success, I have manifested into a fastidious list writer, who will be rarely seen without my little red notebook in hand. I have not always been so diligent academic endeavours, during my years at high school, it was never a lack of ability that was my problem, but like many teenagers, my time management was not the best!
“There is no maritime industry without a healthy thriving marine environment.”
Archie: Chief Officer
During my time, I have served on both motor and sailing yachts ranging from 40m to 80m most recently. My career onboard yachts has given me so much, from a financial point of view, but more importantly a personal development aspect. Working at sea has shaped me and I cannot wait to experience what the next 10 years has in-store for me as I progress onwards into the capacity of captain.
However what happens when I am ready to hang up the epaulets and return to a shore based life? How will I provide for my family when I reach an age where that is to be expected of me? The ocean has become my home away from home, and the environment and its preservation is something I feel extremely passionate about. Therefore, continuing my study into maritime sustainability makes a-lot of sense to me, my practical experience giving me a valuable insight into the sector, and now allowing me the opportunity to further my knowledge. I have seen first-hand the negative impacts that come with these big boats on this delicate ecosystem, I have a genuine desire to do my part to rectify for this. After all, there is no maritime industry without a healthy thriving marine environment. For us preservation is everything.
Going forward, I am excited to complete the BSc program, I know that I have a lot more travel in-store… many more interesting people and experiences. One day when I hang up my mop, I definitely believe that skills and qualities I have gained from my service so far will transfer well into the shore-based corporate structure, and I have learned that I am a pretty adaptable and so I am confident I will turn my hand to whatever opportunity comes my way.